新宿シャローム教会の英語礼拝E-Cafeのホームページです。 TGIS stands for Thank God It's Saturday! Website for Shinjuku Shalom Church E-Cafe English Service

2010.08.21 TGIS Blog

2010.08.21 TGIS Blog (Posted by Maru)

Denny led ice break time. It was word association. For example happy - God - Jesus.
I commented  "Happy to see many people because I love people".
Denny is English teacher, so she knows many fun activities. I am looking forward to her next ice break game. Yes, we never feel ice, we feel warm always.

We had two testimonies this time - Yue's and Ronnie's. 
Yue talked about she leaving church after believing in Jesus, because she felt tired about church activities. She felt stressed by too much pressure.
But, she came to TGIS and then she began to enjoy worship, service, fellowship with brother and sisters at Shinjuku Shlaom. Oh God thank you that she has met lovely sisters.
Ronnie shared about his family trip in Canada. His father is not Christian yet. Ronnie didn't respect his parents much. But, he went back to Canada this time he felt the importance of honoring his father and mother.
My family is not Christian either, so I feel sad but I should love them more than before. yes, I am glad to be a Christan.

Pastor Elmer talked about Jesus, President Obama, and Holy Spirit. Jesus was born in a manger at a stable. His life was not so easy, Mr Obama too.
But, how did Obama become President of the United States. Because, his grand father believed that he will become the President and tells that to other people. 

The Holy Spirit movement started from Azusa street in 1906. Black people face discrimination by white people 100 years ago. One of the black Amercian pastor was shocked by holy spirit.
They used building at Azusa street which was also a stable before. It was a dirty place but God chose to put Holy Spirit in all people there. It was the beginning of revival movement around many nations. The revival movement by Holy Spirit caught many people's soul and increased  Christian number in all nations. But, Japan still doesn't have many yet. We believe it will come soon.

1. Everything to me
2. Be with You
3. How Great Is Our God
4. You are Good

Fellowship Time
Here is the picture of everyone who joined TGIS today! May God bless everyone~~

20100821_TGIS_04.jpgIn addition, there will be no TGIS service on 2010.09.04 at Shinjuku Shalom Church.

The members will be attending the Christopher Sun Conference held at Ariake Colosseum.

Please check this website for details         http://www.sun2010.org/
Feel free to join us at this Conference. 


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