新宿シャローム教会の英語礼拝E-Cafeのホームページです。 TGIS stands for Thank God It's Saturday! Website for Shinjuku Shalom Church E-Cafe English Service

2010.10.23 TGIS Blog

TGIS Blog for Oct 23

Posted by Colin




Ronnie led today's icebreaker with a game called "Wuzzle".  The name of the game is made from two words:  "word" and "puzzle".  We had to guess a word or phrase by studying a picture.  See if you can guess the phrase for the following wuzzle.






The letter "I" is placed under the word "stand" to create the phrase, "I understand."  Did you figure it out?  Do you understand?! :p



Maru led us in another great time of worship to our God.  Here are the songs we sang this week:


              Here I Am To Worship

              Lord I Give You My Heart

              Awesome God



I played a worship song using the ukulele today.  Did you know that the word "ukulele" means "jumping flea" (uku = flea, lele = jumping)?  Did you also know that the instrument originally came from Portugal and not Hawai'i?


I sang the song Kanaka Waiwai which comes from the scriptures in Matthew 19:16-24.  It talks about the young, rich man who asked Jesus how to enter Heaven.  Jesus told the young man to give away all his possessions and to follow Him, but the young man turned away sad because he couldn't let go of his riches.  Are you willing to follow Jesus at all costs?


I also taught everyone the Hawaiian phrase "Aloha Ke Akua" which means "God is Love!"



Wayne used the following scriptures to share about his relationship with his identical twin brother:


              John 11:23-26

              Philemon 13-14

              Proverbs 18


Wayne and his brother were very close and did everything together - go to school, eat, sleep, play, and even fight.  They both believed in Jesus at a very young age but eventually fell away from the faith.  Wayne rededicated his life to Jesus in high school, but his brother did not.  His brother later came back to Jesus and is now married to a Christian woman, attends church services regularly, and even opens his home to bible studies.




Mamiko closed us with the song "One Way".  Yes, Jesus is the only way!



Come visit us.  I hope to see you at TGIS soon!


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