新宿シャローム教会の英語礼拝E-Cafeのホームページです。 TGIS stands for Thank God It's Saturday! Website for Shinjuku Shalom Church E-Cafe English Service

2011.04.02 TGIS Weekly Blog

2011.04.02 TGIS Weekly Blog (Posted by Wayne)
Hi Everyone, we hope that you are doing fine after all the tsunami, earthquake, and radiation leak. These are scary times, but we trust in Jesus to take us through. This is what happened this week at TGIS.
To start off our icebreak we played and old game taught to us by our beloved Ronnie, it's called Two Truths and One Lie. Where the individual will say three statements 2 truths and 1 untruth and the rest of the group has to guess which is the lie. We had a difficult time from telling which was the untruth from the real thing.
We had Mamiko lead us into worship to Jesus. Our computer was not working well so Mamiko played the piano and we had a live worship service unto the Lord. Thank you Mamiko you are so talented.
We were surprised by our brother Colin Sewake as he came from working at a nearby Airforce Base. Colin gave a short testimony of his conversion and why he was in Tokyo for the past week and a half doing logistics of sending food, supplies, aid and help with the disaster relief in the Tohoku area. Colin is originally from Hawaii and now lives in Okinawa with his family. He will be shipped out to Georgia USA next week. Thanks Colin, we'll be praying for you. See you in November.
Finally we had a pleasant surprise as we had the female dynamic duo Kumi and Riko doing the message and interpreting respectively. Kumi shared 1 Corinthians 12:12, One Body, Many Parts. Where each one of us are a part of the body with different talents and uses and together we are the body of Christ moving as one person doing the will of God. She also likened it to our theme For One Life, where we all can doing our different things make a difference for one life.
Finally we ended with our last song and had a great time of fellowship. Robert Matsumoto brought us sandwiches and goodies that his wife Lauren made. Thanks Bob and Lauren. There were 4 new people visiting for the first time. They came to drop off things for the Tohoku Disaster Relief Mission.
Please come this week as Pastor Elmer will share on his mission to Miyagi Prefecture for the last 3 weeks. Come out to TGIS and be blessed. God bless you!


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