新宿シャローム教会の英語礼拝E-Cafeのホームページです。 TGIS stands for Thank God It's Saturday! Website for Shinjuku Shalom Church E-Cafe English Service

2011.04.16 TGIS Weekly Blog

2011.04.16 TGIS Weekly Blog (Posted by Mamiko)


Thank God, it's Saturday!

Hello everyone, it's become really spring-like, isn't it?

We had another happy time at TGIS.

And there're 40 beautiful tulips....two lips, hehe.



[ Icebreak ]

We started with the icebreak.

Today, Kumi led us to the word-association game. We're divided into five groups, and Sachiko-san's team won! 

We all had a fun time, thank you, Kumi.


[ Worship ]

Thank you、Miki and Shin for P.A.,and Gou for lights. 

・Take It All

・Open My Eyes

・Mighty To Save

We were made to worship God. Worshiping is our strength. We appreciate God to be able to praise God anytime!


[ Testimony ]

Today, Kumi shared her testimony with a beautiful smile on her face.

On her bitter time, Kumi found the real Love of God. She taught us to humble before God and to pray.

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself cannot express.

And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. (Romans 8:26,27)


[ Message ]

Wayne taught us the importance to pray to Holy Spirit with our patience and our true faith.

We have to be patient until the Lord is coming back. We should re-think how Job beared in his hard time.

We don't have to be afraid of the earthquake nor radioactive contamination.

Let's trust in God, and pray to God that we become like Jesus, then Jesus would teach us how we should be. (James 5:7-15, Job)

Thank you, Wayne and Riko for interpreting!!


We closed the meeting with the wouderful worship "God Of The City" with video of Tohoku Tsunami disaster.

Thank you God that you made us for joy and happiness. May God's mercy be with this Japan, the city of God.


[ Refreshment Time ]

Yay, we had many kind of snacks! By the way, we had 20 people in today's TGIS, Yaaaaay!!

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!"



cherry blossom.jpg


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